IVU and ebusplan establish joint venture for electric mobility

Software for the use of electric buses

EBS ebus solutions GmbH develops software for the use of electric buses

Berlin/Aachen, 15 April 2019 – Electric buses are conquering local transport – and fundamentally changing the way people plan their deployment. In response, the two bus experts IVU Traffic Technologies and ebusplan are now pooling their expertise in a joint company. EBS ebus solutions GmbH, based in Aachen, Germany, develops innovative software solutions and components specifically tailored to the requirements of electric buses.

IVU Traffic Technologies and ebusplan expect a great demand for specialised systems to support transport companies in planning the deployment of electric buses due to the “rolling up” of electric buses throughout Europe. The systems to be developed should enable a continuous planning process in five fields, whereby the special features of electric fleets in particular are taken into account: From strategic planning as well as circulation and loading phase planning to depot management and vehicle dispatching, transport companies will thus receive an integrated solution for the electromobile future.

“We want to think consistently about electromobility. And that means we have to cut off old customs and develop systems that cover the entire use of electric buses independently of the specifications of existing planning tools and further develop them with innovative approaches,” says Philipp Sinhuber, Managing Director of ebusplan. “With IVU, one of the leading IT companies for public transport in Germany, we have the right partner to make this happen.

“The electric bus market requires specific solutions and a completely new approach,” says Matthias Rust, CTO of IVU Traffic Technologies and Managing Director of ebus solutions. “ebusplan has understood this and quickly made a name for itself as the first point of contact when it comes to the use of electric buses. Our joint venture enables us to jointly develop systems geared to electromobility from the ground up and place them on the market independently.


Press contact

IVU Traffic Technologies AG

Dr. Stefan Steck
Corporate Communication
Bundesallee 88, 12161 Berlin
T +49.30.85906-386

ebusplan GmbH

Dr. Matthias Rogge
Managing Director
Hüttenstr. 7, 52068 Aachen
T +49.241.5570-5182